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Kisan bill 2020: Protest why?


              Pic: by maatarini photography

What is in the bill?

In case of opposition to the bill, the Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020 provides for the creation of an eco-system. That is, an environment will be created where farmers and traders will be able to go to any state and sell and buy their crops. According to this bill, it is not necessary that you sell crops only within the boundaries of the state. Also, you will be able to take advantage of the selection related to selling at profitable prices.

On the other hand, if we talk about the price assurance contract of the second bill (Empowerment and Protection) and the Agricultural Services Bill, 2020, then under this provision, there is a provision to prepare the national structure on the agricultural agreement. That is, through this, the farmers have to provide an agreed profitable price structure in a transparent manner for the farmers, traders, exporters etc. in the agricultural trade.

These things are included in the bill:

1- Under the Agricultural Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020, farmers will be able to sell their produce in any corner of the country. If they are not getting fair price or do not have market facility in the state, then the farmer can take his crops to another state and sell the crops. Also crops can be sold through online mediums, and will get better prices.

2- Under the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement, 2020, on price assurance and agricultural services, attention has been paid to increase the income of farmers. Through this, the government wants to eliminate middlemen. So that the farmer gets fair price. With this, the government is trying to create a supply chain.

3: Under the Essential Commodities (Amendment), 2020, cereals, edible oils, potatoes and onions are no longer essential commodities. These will now be stored. Under this, the government is trying to attract foreign investment in agriculture.

Why Protest?

1- In this, farmers and other political parties say that if the mandis are over, then the farmers will not get the minimum support price. Therefore a nation should be an MSP.

2- The reason for the protest is also that there is no mechanism to fix the prices. Therefore, the concern of farmers and political parties is that private companies should not exploit the farmers.

3- There is also a concern that traders will hoard crops through this. This will create market volatility and increase inflation. In this they need to be controlled.

4- The state governments are also concerned that if the proper prices of crops are not given in the state, then the farmers will be able to go to the neighboring state and sell their crops. In such a situation, the state governments may have to face crop related problems.


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