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Showing posts from January, 2021


Following procedures to withdrawal INR from WazirX to bank account. For withdrawal from WazirX, require Google Authenticator Download Google authenticator  Click on buy/sell Click on Sell of require tron, here i sell 100% Slide this arrow for confirmation of selling After some time selling 100% would be completed  Now tron converted to INR. Then click on withdrawal  Here put google authenticator code Approve the withdrawal  from your mail id  As I clicked NEFT so it will take time. Now amount credited 

Transfer tron from Tronlink Pro to WazirX

Following procedures for getting payment from TronlinkPro to WazirX. 1)1st copy address of tron from WazirX. 2)Then paste that address in Tronlink Pro in receiving account portion(Receiving account displayed by clicking on send option of Tron link pro.) During first transaction TronlinkPro would be taken 0.1 tron for activation. Click on Fund of WazirX Click on TRX Click on Deposit Copy address of tronfrom WazirX Click on send of Tronlink Pro Paste on Receiving account portion Then fill require amount to transfer. Then click on send and tron would be transfer instantly.

Vocabulary for all competative exam or knowledge..

 1. COROLLARY (NOUN): (परिणाम):  consequence Synonyms: result, upshot Antonyms: cause Example Sentence:The huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of expenditure cuts. 2. FRIVOLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (क्षुद्र):  flippant Synonyms: glib, waggish Antonyms: serious Example Sentence:At bottom the man was frivolous, selfish and unstable. 3. CONTEMPT (NOUN): (अपमान):  disrespect Synonyms: disregard, slighting Antonyms: respect Example Sentence:This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority. 4. DRENCH (VERB): (भिगाना):  soak Synonyms: saturate, wet through Antonyms: dry Example Sentence:I fell in the stream and was drenched. 5. PROPRIETY (NOUN): (शिष्टाचार):  decorum Synonyms: respectability decency Antonyms: impropriety Example Sentence:  She always behaves with the utmost propriety. 6. REFUTE (VERB): (खंडन करना):  disprove Synonyms: rebut, confute Antonyms: confirm Example Sentence:These claims have not been refuted at all. 7. COLLOQUIAL (ADJECTIVE): (बोल-चाल क