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 1. COROLLARY (NOUN): (परिणाम):  consequence

Synonyms: result, upshot

Antonyms: cause

Example Sentence:The huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of expenditure cuts.

2. FRIVOLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (क्षुद्र):  flippant

Synonyms: glib, waggish

Antonyms: serious

Example Sentence:At bottom the man was frivolous, selfish and unstable.

3. CONTEMPT (NOUN): (अपमान):  disrespect

Synonyms: disregard, slighting

Antonyms: respect

Example Sentence:This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority.

4. DRENCH (VERB): (भिगाना):  soak

Synonyms: saturate, wet through

Antonyms: dry

Example Sentence:I fell in the stream and was drenched.

5. PROPRIETY (NOUN): (शिष्टाचार):  decorum

Synonyms: respectability decency

Antonyms: impropriety

Example Sentence:  She always behaves with the utmost propriety.

6. REFUTE (VERB): (खंडन करना):  disprove

Synonyms: rebut, confute

Antonyms: confirm

Example Sentence:These claims have not been refuted at all.

7. COLLOQUIAL (ADJECTIVE): (बोल-चाल की शैली):  informal

Synonyms: conversational, everyday

Antonyms: literary

Example Sentence:His colloquial talents were indeed of the highest order.

8. BEWILDER (VERB): (भरमाना):  baffle

Synonyms: mystify, bemuse

Antonyms: enlighten

Example Sentence:She was bewildered by his sudden change of mood.

9. HAPLESS (ADJECTIVE): (अभागे):  unfortunate

Synonyms: unlucky, luckless

Antonyms: lucky

Example Sentence:I met the hapless victims of the disaster.

10. INHIBIT (VERB): (रोकना):  impede

Synonyms: hinder hamper

Antonyms: assist

Example Sentence:Too much cold inhibits plant growth.


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