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Tata semiconductor News | After Tata very strong on the software side of things now want to add hardware in their portfolio

 Tata's team plans to invest $ 300 million to establish a semiconductor assembly and testing unit.

Tata is speaking in the southern regions of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Telangana and is seeking land for the Outsourced semiconductor Assembly and testing center (OSAT), sources said, declining to be identified as the matter is not public.

Tata Group will enter into a semiconductor biz, in negotiations with 3 regions to establish a $ 300 million conference unit.

Tata will join semiconductor biz, in talks with 3 regions to establish $ 300 million conference unit

Tata will join semiconductor biz, in talks with 3 regions to establish $ 300 million conference unit

Tata is speaking in the southern regions of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Telangana and is seeking land for the semiconductor production and testing center (OSAT), sources said, declining to be identified as the matter is not public.

Although Tata has said it may enter the semiconductor business, it is the first time the group has entered the industry and its status has been reported.

OSAT plant packages, which include and test base silicon wafers, make semiconductor chips complete.

Tata Group will enter into a semiconductor biz, in negotiations with 3 regions to establish a $ 300 million conference unit.

Tata will join semiconductor biz, in talks with 3 regions to establish $ 300 million conference unit

Tata will join semiconductor biz, in talks with 3 regions to establish $ 300 million conference unit

Tata is speaking in the southern regions of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Telangana and is seeking land for Out source the semiconductor production and testing center (OSAT), sources said, declining to be identified as the matter is not public.

Although Tata has said it may enter the semiconductor business, it is the first time the group has entered the industry and its status has been reported.

OSAT plant packages, which include and test base silicon wafers, make semiconductor chips complete.

Tata is already looking at other possible locations in the factory, said one source, adding that the site is likely to be completed next month.

"While they  are very strong on the software side ... hardware is something they want to add to their portfolios, which is very important for long-term growth," the source said.

Tata's push will strengthen Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Make in India' campaign for electronics, which has already helped turn South Asia into the world's second largest smartphone manufacturer.

Tata Group, which manages India's largest software maker, Tata Consultancy Services and is interested in everything from automotive to aviation, plans to invest in high-tech electronics and digital businesses, its Chairman N. Chandrasekaran said earlier.

"Once Tata has started, the ecosystem will be there ... So it is very important to find the right place for the staff," the source said.

Conclusion: Today, that's why shared this topic that there is a good news and a semiconductor is so priceless, which was discussed earlier in our daily life. Which you can see by clicking here.


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